
You are responsible to check this blog each week between Friday and Monday!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Let's Get Started!

First of all, let me apologize for a bumpy start to this term. As you've likely heard by now, I had emergency gall bladder surgery last Monday night! I'm getting better each day but just wasn't quite mobile enough to make it in today.

Welcome back (or welcome, for the few new people)! Thank you so much to Nina for getting the ball rolling today.

There are a few things to mention for this initial post:

Attendance Policy

Our success as an ensemble is 100% dependent on the contributions and attendance of each and every one of you. For those of you who need an ensemble credit from Chorus, your attendance accounts for a very large portion of your grade. Attendance at all Chorus rehearsals, performances, etc. is expected and mandatory. If you have to be absent due to extreme illness or emergency events, you must email (and only email) me at least one hour prior to the start of rehearsal. Any absence without an email will be considered unexcused. Unexcused absences are not allowed and will normally result in an immediate failing grade and/or the loss of your membership in the Chorus. I know this sounds extreme, but really what it means is that you just have to be organized and communicate with me if you have any issues that will affect your attendance. 

Participation Expectations

In addition to attendance, the only other expectation in Chorus is that you TRY and give your BEST to the ensemble. We have a large group with a variety of experience levels. This requires respect and a positive, encouraging attitude toward everyone in the group. Nothing else will be tolerated. Choral music is a *social* art form. If people don't give their best and treat one another well, we will not be successful.

Music & Rehearsal Preparation

You will be given a package of music on Wednesday. It is your responsibility. If you lose it, you will be charged for it. You MUST bring your music to EVERY rehearsal and you must bring a pencil. Music may only be marked in pencil. You cannot use highlighter, hole punches, or any other tool that will permanently alter the scores.

We will only be memorizing one piece of music this term: Cloudburst by Eric Whitacre. It's an epic piece that involves body percussion. It's also fairly long, so I STRONGLY suggest you download it from iTunes or get a recording of it to assist you in familiarizing yourself with it. Watch it below (and if you don't have a lot of time, you can skip to wild section with percussion at 4:40)!

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